Saturday, August 14, 2010

"What is Islam?”  is the question you ask.

Answering this question is every Muslims task.
Describing Islam can be a lot,
But first I’ll tell you what Islam is not.
Islam is not Faraqan and terrorism.
Nor is it oppressing women and racism.
Islam doesn’t teach these things.
On the contrary it forbids them.Islam isn’t focused on selling news papers and bean pies.It’s not about drinking goats milk and having many wives. Most people think Islam is just a religion. But, it is actually a detailed way of living, prescribed by Allah, the merciful, the forgiving. Peace, submission, and morality, Respect, kindness and charity. And worshipping one God, the All Mighty, This is Islam. It demolishes the cloudiness and confusion in our brains. Faith in God is one thing Islam sustains. It makes clear our purpose of life, beginning and end. People take our wealth and freedom, but our faith we must defend.


  1. I really like your post and I have to say that I agree with you about Islam being all the above things you mention and not a religion that terrorize people. But the thing is many people aren’t aware of this and just believe whatever they see on TV.


  2. I really like your post and I have to say that I agree with you about Islam being all the above things you mention and not a religion that terrorize people. But the thing is many people aren’t aware of this and just believe whatever they see on TV.


  3. I really like your post and I have to say that I agree with you about Islam being all the above things you mention and not a religion that terrorize people. But the thing is many people aren’t aware of this and just believe whatever they see on TV.


  4. "what is Islam?" is the question I always want to know more about. I think we have some stereotype towards Islam and some of them is ridiculous! I really want to hear some real stories there!

  5. Most of the misunderstanding between cultures and religions are cause intensively but some medias which are sometimes directed by governments. Cutting a picture to show only what they want their people to see, pick a certain part of an article or even a sentence in the article to let their people hear only what they want them to hear. That's so common in everywhere on the earth. But both of the people are victims.

  6. One problem is that one news item can undo what a person learns about Islam, from his experience, in a long time.
    Another problem I think is that when people talk about Islam, they are really talking about some muslims. Muslims are people practicing Islam as well as they could, and not all of them necessarily do exactly what Islam says, nor are they expected to.

