Sunday, August 22, 2010

Dear English 110 Students;

When I started this class I had no idea how to do Rhetoric Analizing Project. It was hard for me at the begining because I came from an ESL high school student to College English for the first time. I struggled sometimes, but I had to work it out with the teacher. My teacher was helpful, when I had question she'll answer me in a best way that she could help me. Eventhough I didn't do well at the beginning I tried my best to read the assignments well untill I understood what I needed to do to figure out the solution for my struggleness. For example when I was trying to write about my culture I kind misunderstood what the teacher had asked me , I kept giving information that I don't need to give. Also I had a hard time using MLA citation website, but at the end it worked out.I turned in all my assignments on time, never late from the day it's due.I would encourge you to carefully read your assignments, follow the directions of the your class materials and if you are having a hard time ask help from your teacher.  Don't wait to turn your class work at the last mintute, also turn in your assignments on time in order to get better grades!

Saturday, August 14, 2010

"What is Islam?”  is the question you ask.

Answering this question is every Muslims task.
Describing Islam can be a lot,
But first I’ll tell you what Islam is not.
Islam is not Faraqan and terrorism.
Nor is it oppressing women and racism.
Islam doesn’t teach these things.
On the contrary it forbids them.Islam isn’t focused on selling news papers and bean pies.It’s not about drinking goats milk and having many wives. Most people think Islam is just a religion. But, it is actually a detailed way of living, prescribed by Allah, the merciful, the forgiving. Peace, submission, and morality, Respect, kindness and charity. And worshipping one God, the All Mighty, This is Islam. It demolishes the cloudiness and confusion in our brains. Faith in God is one thing Islam sustains. It makes clear our purpose of life, beginning and end. People take our wealth and freedom, but our faith we must defend.

Monday, August 9, 2010

For my project i'm thinking of including some videos in it.Because sometimes i watch youtube videos. I picked this video because it's kinda interesting for the people who don't know my culture to see it. This video is about people singing and doing their culture dance dramatically in front of a lots people. Especailly i chose it to show the audience a piece evidence of my culture. Iinstead of just me explaining without showing any picuters or videos.I'll be trying my best to give my audience whatever i can to explain about my culture.And hopefully my audience will work with me.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

My topic will still be about how Somali  culture and the tradition differ from western countries. My audience will be the people who i work with. I chose them because they have no idea about it. So i'm trying to make them learn and see what they well say. My purpose of choosing this project is to give the audience and the people who are reading my paper to understand what my culture is about , and how it communicates with the world. I'm gone be using some pictures to explain what is about ,weather its food or people dancing to help the audience understand better instead of just telling them without looking at something excited. Also i'll be using some Survey of questions to ask my audience what they learned from my ideas of my project.

Monday, August 2, 2010

I guess as far as State Fairs go, the Ohio State Fair is pretty good. I'm not much of a fair-going person, so I really can't give it too high of a rating.The fair all kinda has that distinct smell of fried food and barns. Again, not my thing. And be warned. Since it's right smack in the middle of the summer it can get really hot and miserable. Especially when you factor in that Ohio humidity. Try to go on a cooler day. I know last summer we had a chain of sunny 80-something degree days when I was there. Not cool; no pun intended. The buildings can be somewhat cool, at least in the fact that there's shade, but most are not air conditioned.